This past weekend was "spring break," and even in the harsh adult world the time off was pretty generous. Not necessarily generous enough to feel comfortably relaxed, but enough to take a short trip, remember what summer feels like, and maybe bounce back from jet lag. So I hopped over to visit S in California and it was the most idyllic weekend. We did SO much. Last time I visited in August, things were a little hurried because S was still settling in and I was no help in lessening the stress. Now S has been here for 8 months (time flies!) and has kept dozens of sites in mind for us to see. In a blend of amazing weather, good planning, spontaneity and ease, everything came together. Our three day rendezvous felt like an entire week, and we crossed off a number of cool new places off our lists. (What that means for you: a California photo dump in the next couple of posts!)
Our travels up and down the southern parts of California took us all along the coast, down to San Diego and all the way up to Santa Monica. This trip was seriously needed! We had the BEST time ever...the most rewarding kinds of weekends are the ones where you can see a lot but still feel verrrry, very relaxed. I love traveling with my best friend.
more soon! ciao, xo
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