
splurge v. save

Spending money wisely is something I do in phases. 
There are weeks that go by when I am really responsible; 
I abstain from shopping and really only buy the necessities 
(which for me might not be necessities, unless you're counting lattes). 
But the discipline wears off and before you know it, 
I have a wish list the size of Texas going 
and I really feel the need to treat myself to a little splurge.
Just in time for swimsuit season, 
I was really excited because I found a bikini I loooooved from Victoria's Secret. 
I never had a bikini from there, and I know they are reallyreally  low cut and tight, 
but I wanted to try it out. 
The separate prices, though, for each - at around $35 - hurt. 
I can't bring myself to spend around $70 on a simple bikini I will wear
 only a few times this summer (realistically). 
So I scouted an even better by at an unlikely place, Kohl's! 
I can't say it is my favorite store, but I loved the Crochet Bandeau Bikini by Candie's so much, 
even better than the VS choice. 
It fits wonderfully and I have worn it to the beach already! 
It cost a total of about $30, because Kohl's has really great sales! 
So for both pieces, it ended up being cheaper than just top of the VS lace bikini. Score!

Splurge: Victoria's Secret Lace Bikini
Save: Candie's Crochet Bandeau Bikini from Kohl's

Thanks to CreditCardInsider.com for partnering with me for the post. Check them out, they have some really useful tips on how to be smart with your money.

ciao! xo

1 comment:

  1. awh i love this
    stop by,
