
hermosa: fog, shrimp, and fajitas

While I've been thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to instagram and populate photos on the west coast of my photo map (truth), it has been so much more enjoyable to spend some time relaxing by the sea with my best friend. I guess you can say he is relatively new here too, but he has been showing me around some of the coolest spots and my hands-down favorite is Hermosa.

First, our weekend. Filled with the sunshine, ladder golf on the beach, walking to Redondo, searching for a place that looks good for dinner. My two favorites so far are Killer Shrimp and Waterman's - oh my lord. I died and went to heaven over the fajitas at Waterman's, and I am eagerly anticipating topping that best with another round of sizzling fajitas somewhere soon. Oh, the things I look forward to :) We also found ourselves somehow in the middle of a live Jimmy Buffet concert on the beach (typical us for not even realizing) because it is Shark Week, apparently a major festivity here in the big So-Cal. I guess it is relevant, too...S and I watched a little of Shark Week last night and it was mildly terrifying. I will stick to watching the water, which is the most gorgeous piercing shade of blue, rather than swimming in it...

Another thing that gets me, which you can see in these photos, is the fog. Every morning in the summertime here there is a dense patch of fog that hovers over the coastline. The marine layer dissipates around 11am or so, but yesterday it was bright and sunny by 9am, so I went out for a run on my favorite pier (!!) and got to see more of this chill beach town. The weather here is insane - every day seems to be a good one. On the news, they complain when it gets to be 50% humidity. Ha! S has got it made, and rather than missing him I am kind of mad at him for not forcing me to come! Jk, jk, jk..

Actually, I am off to the pier now. I am in the mood for a coffee and a little window shopping. I have been THE most disciplined shopper lately but I have a feeling this good spell is going to break. Don't say you weren't warned...

ciao, xo


  1. Looks like you are having a fun trip! I have always wanted to visit California!

  2. These are seriously some gorgeous photos!!

  3. Your photo's are so beautiful!! It feels like I was actually experiencing your trip too:) Xx
