
yet another list

Making : lesson plans.
Cooking : lately life has been more take-out and quick stops at starbucks.
Drinking : far too many cups of coffee and lattes, not nearly enough water.
Reading: textbooks and Mental Floss, with the occasional dose of Sprezzatura
Wanting: to take more pictures, to carve a pumpkin, and for summer to return back to me.

Looking: the big, round moon that brightens the sky on a september night.
Playing: frasier re-runs on netflix as I work on other things.
Wishing: my weekends were longer and less planned.
Enjoying: the autumn breeze that comes in through the windows.

Waiting: for the next time I get to go here. i yearn for the day!
Liking: the kindness of strangers, my hush-hush bagel pit stops on my morning drive, and cuddling in bed at night.
Loving: morning dewdrops and weekend walks with my mom.
Hoping: I'll hear from that person again.
Marvelling: how this day ever happened. 

Needing: another day in the week. preferably a day between saturday and sunday. also, for the water heater to be fixed. cold showers are no fun.
Smelling: pumpkin coffee, sharpie markers, and dry-erase boards.
Wearing: all of my favorite current pieces from banana republic. this is one.

Noticing: how i'm falling into a routine; waking up in the morning is easier.
Knowing: i'm working my hardest and somehow it will pay off.
Feeling: stressed out at work. missing the summer.

Giggling: kid president

Got this idea from a cute blog, so feel free to grab and make your own!


  1. i like this list! and i love kid president, especially what he made for mother's day. i thought it was so sweet :)

  2. Hey there! I wanted to let you know that I really like your blog and I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here: http://wp.me/p1s1hX-Kp

  3. Hey there! I wanted to let you know that I really like your blog and I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here: http://wp.me/p1s1hX-Kp

  4. Totally agree that Frasier is really great background TV - its so familiar and light-hearted! Its just like listening to the chitter -chatter of some dear old friends. :)

  5. i just love this list.

  6. that kid president video is hilarious!
