Week three is down!! I began running three weeks ago and while I don't want to use this as a platform to solely discuss exercise accomplishments or talk about how proud of myself I am - I have never ever stuck with anything this long before! So I feel like I need to talk about this somewhere.
This past week I definitely had my moments where I felt like I hit a brick wall. I tended to dawdle before my runs, wasting time and dreading them. I have never loved running - just the immediate feeling after and the results that I am starting to see. Subtle changes, to me, and indiscernible to others. That's why I decided to stick with this. Also, so I can eat pasta. :)
There are moments I hate it, especially in the humidity, when I feel like my legs are going to give out and my lungs are bursting. I am finding that the weather (especially the darn humidity) plays a large role in my "performance," so ideally a better time for me to run would be in the early AM when its still a little cool and dewy out. I'm looking forward to keeping up with it in the fall, when the air will be crisp and the leaves will be just another beautiful distraction.
A-ha's: It's simple - this entire thing is mind over matter. My best friend is training for a marathon right now, so if she can train every day on that intense level, I can do 2 miles. It's doable.
Worries: I am still relying on 'little breaks' from time to time! Especially on my longer routes, I think I mentally block myself and settle to take a teensy weeny walking break. I've done it a few times this week. I don't stop moving, but I'd like to continue accomplishing more nonstop runs without stopping for a breather. Sometimes it's harder to start back up again after a little break!
read last week's update if you want to catch up. :)
ciao, xo
congrats! your motivation is great