
spoiled with snow days

part of this balanced breakfast.
new spring-colored moleskines...how exciting!

The annoying thing about snow days - well, is being snowed in with 5 other humans. EEEP.
But we have a lot of fun. Girly tea time is an all-day thing. Downton Abbey is on repeat. 
And we lazily trudge through work.
I do things in between, like paint nails (which color should I choose by the way?)
and sit in bed surfing blogs.

The other day I realized that I am super spoiled by these snow days...as I now expect them.
When it snows I immediately go into lazy girl mode.
Does that even make sense?
Do snow days affect your efficiency?
Do you love them or hate them?

ciao, xo


  1. I love them! I grew up in Texas, so I didn't get very many of them. Now that I live in the DC area, we get them more regularly (but still not too much to get tired of them). I still have to work from home during snow days, but it's so nice to do that in sweatpants and to be able to get laundry and a little cleaning done in between. Love your blog, by the way!


  2. I'm a little jealous. I got a few snow days in college, but now that I have moved back to Florida they are non-existant. If it ever snows here I'm pretty sure people would think the end of the world is upon us. But hey, maybe this helps my productivity...but more than likely not. P.S. I'm in love with the tangerine moleskin AHHHHH!!!

  3. I am currenly enjoying a snow day and loving it! It's so amazing to get to the things I never have time to do. I wish I had a few more before getting back to the daily grind.

  4. Haha. So funny!! And I am jealous of your snow days!! No doubt I would love them too!

  5. That's funny that you said you go into lazy-girl mode when it snows. I am the same way! I got to leave work early yesterday because of the snow, and when I got home I just tossed productivity out of the window. Of course, it was great fun. I vote pink nails. Other things: your Philly mug is so cute! That bread looks amazing. Is it beer bread by any chance? I now want some spring-colored moleskines.

  6. I have that same mug :) And I love moleskines... I just bought another package of the two tiny ones. I use them to keep helpful notes when I'm in the hospital. Love them!
